#blogcember · baby · Uncategorized

A Letter to My Daughter on Her First Birthday

Happy Birthday Baby Girl!!

You are a whole year old today!

You will never be able to measure the boundless amount of love that grows each day in my heart for you.

Your first year in this world was nothing short of amazing!

The first time you fell asleep holding on tight to my finger, I didn’t want to move all night, I knew there was no place else I’d rather be.

The first time you giggled and then let out a laugh, I knew that I would spend my entire life trying to hear that sound over and over again. (Daddy has proof of me doing some crazy things, JUST to make you laugh!)

The first time you crawled, to get to your cereal, I knew you would be a foodie just like your mama. I wonder if you’ll love my cooking the way I love Nani’s cooking.

The first time you tried chocolate; I could tell by your wide-eyed glare that you had discovered your newfound love, just like daddy

The first time you said ‘hi’ was to a stranger in the mall, I wish you to stay just as friendly, spreading love wherever you go (the world needs more of that)

The first time you reached for me in a bout of stranger anxiety, I knew I would protect you from anything and everything I possibly could

The first time you stood up, I could see that you were strong willed and determined

The first time you let out a scream, I knew you wouldn’t let anyone get away with trying to trick you (good try daddy)

The first time you held up your toy telephone receiver up to your ear and said ‘hi’ I knew that you were one heck of a smart cookie…who even uses telephones anymore?!

And the time you took your first steps from daddy to me, I could see the trust in your eyes; you knew I wouldn’t let you fall.

And I won’t baby girl.

I want you to know that daddy and I will always, always, always be in your corner. We became your cheerleaders the day you first rolled over, and we will be right there cheering for you till our last breath.

Mama loves you always and forever my sweet little Aria.

12 thoughts on “A Letter to My Daughter on Her First Birthday

  1. “The first time you said ‘hi’ was to a stranger in the mall, I wish you to stay just as friendly, spreading love wherever you go (the world needs more of that)”-
    ABSOLUTELY WE DO. And from such a cutie patotie every day.. many Happy Returns of the Day. Aria we pray that you are blessed and loved every moment of your life. 🌈💕

    Liked by 1 person

  2. This is such a beautiful letter. Happy birthday princess. There’s so many people who smile because of you Aria. Thank you for bringing happiness to more people then you know. Can’t wait to celebrate with you tomorrow.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Very well written Sehrish. Once again you are penning most of the new and old moms with words. I feel you are an ambassador for all time moms.
    Happy Birthday princess Aria.
    Do bring her home Sehrish so uncle and I can be part of her childhood.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Very well written Sehrish. Once again you are penning most of the new and old moms with words. I feel you are an ambassador for all time moms.
    Happy Birthday princess Aria.
    Do bring her home Sehrish so uncle and I can be part of her childhood.


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