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Liebster Award! – #blogcember day 19

I started blogging almost three weeks ago, with the simple intention of documenting my memories. I never in a million years thought I would get so much love and support from everyone!

Thank you to everybody who has read, liked, commented on, and shared my posts. The fact that people read my thoughts, relate to them and appreciate them blows my mind!

I specially want to say a huge thank you to T. Shaw for finding my blog worthy of the Liebster Award!! I never knew awards existed in the blogging community, thank you T. Shaw for nominating me and introducing me to a whole new world! T. Shaw is a fellow blogger and an exceptional writer who shares the most wonderful poems and insightful memories on her blog. She’s currently taking part in Blogmas, and has been posting everyday just like me! If you’re itching for a good read, go check her out! You won’t be sorry!

T. Shaw’s Blog: https://tshawwriter.wordpress.com

So what is the Liebster Award?

It is essentially a tag, which allows new bloggers to get noticed and make relationships. For me, it’s an initiation into the blogging world. I feel like the blogging community has accepted me with open arms. Thank you once again T. Shaw for the recognition!

Here are the rules for the Liebster Award:

  • Acknowledge the blog that gave it to you and display the award
  • Answer the 11 questions that the blogger gives you
  • Give 11 random facts about yourself
  • Nominate 11 blogs and notify them of their nomination
  • Give these blogs 11 questions to answer

So here we go!

What inspired you to start blogging?

I love to write! Plain and simple.

What is your blog’s purpose?

To be honest the purpose of my blog was to create memories for my family and myself. I am a very forgetful person, I thought a blog would be a good way to document all the big and little moments of our lives.

Having said that, in the past two weeks I realized that this blog serves a much greater purpose. It allows moms to build relationships with one another, relate to each other’s stories, and know that we are not alone in our battles and victories!

What are your goals for 2018?

My biggest goal for 2018 would be to establish a sense of balance between work and home life. I hope to create a new routine and settle comfortably into a new reality for our family. (I’m going back to work after more than a year of maternity leave – wish me luck!)

What was the most memorable moment/event that happened this year in 2017?

This year was the most amazing year of my life for sure, as I spent it with my baby girl. The most memorable moments were watching her grow and reach her milestones.

What is your favourite comfort food?

Just give me potato. Fries? I’ll take it! Mashed? Where’s the gravy? Wedges? Gimme! Scalloped? Sure! Baked? Where’s the cheese? In a salad? Yes, please!

Which actor/actress would play you if your life was a movie? And why?

Hands down Mindy Kaling! I love her funny wit, and I can definitely relate with her ‘sometimes awkward’ nature. She knows what she wants, knows how to get it and does it while putting a smile on people’s faces! Love her!

Do you have a Christmas wish? If so, what?

Can I start my maternity leave over again? Pretty please?

Do you have any pets?

Unfortunately we don’t.

What is your favourite season?

Summer for sure! It used to be winter, but now I have to get an infant dressed in layers, a jacket, hat, mittens, and neck warmer every time we leave the house. So yeah, summer for sure now!

What are you passionate about?

Right now my passion is raging for this blog, and of course being Aria’s mommy!

What is something new you’d like to learn?

Hmmmm… I actually want to learn how to use Photoshop! So if anyone reading this knows how, help a girl out!

11 random facts about me!

  1. I am the youngest of three siblings.
  2. I love being the baby of the family
  3. I am the messiest person I know…sadly knowing this hasn’t changed that fact.
  4. To earn a living, I work at a local school as an Early Childhood Educator
  5. Clearly, I love kids
  6. Sometimes I talk to myself…ok it’s mostly all the time
  7. The library is my happy place
  8. Ali and I took Salsa dancing lessons before our wedding. We never used any of the steps for our wedding BUT it was the most fun we have had together!
  9. I love routine, I love knowing what’s happening, I can’t stand last minute plans
  10. I am NOT a morning person. No, I’m not a night owl either! What is a person who likes to sleep in AND sleep early called?
  11. I don’t really like jewellery (Ali got lucky) Earrings annoy me. Bracelets annoy me. Rings annoy me. I DO wear a necklace, the same necklace, every day. It’s my good luck charm.

That’s it ladies and gentlemen! That’s all about me!

Now for my nominations!

The following bloggers are all exceptional! Personally, I like to read blogs that I can relate to and connect with. The bloggers I have nominated have made me want to keep reading more and more, and I LOVE that! Check them out!!


  1. Breanne – https://thepeachyking.wordpress.com
  2. Shyra – https://www.onthemidnighttrain.com
  3. Annie – https://booknerdtravels.wordpress.com
  4. Afila – https://mommybyname.wordpress.com
  5. Life is Lush – https://lifeislush.org
  6. Jessica – https://motherhoodinthemountains.wordpress.com
  7. Brooke – https://curlymane.wordpress.com
  8. Eliza – https://thebyrdnestsite.wordpress.com
  9. Cecily – https://thechroniclesofnaptime.wordpress.com
  10. Peg – https://pegtheobald.com
  11. J Elizabeth – https://naturallydopemomma.com

11 Questions for the Nominees:

  1. Why did you start blogging?
  2. If you didn’t have to sleep, what would you do with the extra time?
  3. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?
  4. What is your biggest pet peeve?
  5. Are you a clean or a messy person?
  6. Do you speak a language other than English?
  7. If you could eat only one meal for the rest of your life, what would it be?
  8. Is there anything that you’re working towards achieving in the New Year?
  9. If you watch T.V., what is your favourite show? (Or Netflix show or Youtube artist)
  10. What would be your ideal way to spend the weekend
  11. Do you like to read? What is your favourite book?

Congratulations nominees, if you choose to accept this award, I can’t wait to read your responses! Happy blogging!!

Hugs and Kisses to all!

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